How It Works
For Haifu token holders
1. Fundraise
Creators have 1 week to fundraise the desired crypto and amount to operate. This fundraise is a fair launch for the Haifu token where everyone gets the same price.
Creators choose who to invite to the Wedding Round. You might get an invite link on their Telegram, X, or other communities. You can also get whitelist by purchasing with $HAIFU.
2. Trading (Fundraise successful)
Once fundraise is over, creators or AI take charge of 90% of fundraise to invest on their managing DeFi protocols, and the token goes public on an Haifu Terminal with 10% of fundraised crypto traded to $HAIFU with pair:
{wAIfu Token}/$HAIFU
This allows the Haifu token price to fluctuate based on the trading activity of the fund. Once launched, you can sell your Haifu tokens anytime, because the pool liquidity is locked on HAIFUS.FUN pool.
3. Fund Expiration
At the fund’s expiration, the Haifu wallet is frozen, and $HAIFU in profits is distributed back to token holders. You can burn your Haifu tokens to redeem the Haifu's underlying assets, or simply sell it on the terminal anytime.
Frequently Asked Questions
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