$HAIFU Flywheel
Last updated
Last updated
We introduce the following mechanisms to ensure maximum value capture for $HAIFU:
Membership Rewards
Operation Fees
Membership gating
Here is a full list of utilities for $HAIFU token:
The currency to contribute funds into DAOs is $HAIFU — this will be changed to $HAIFU in the future once a certain threshold of price volatility and liquidity is achieved.
100% of management fees charged by passive DAOs managed by VaderAI will be used to buy back $HAIFU and rewarded to $HAIFU members.
100% of performance fees charged by active DAOs managed by VaderAI will be used to buy back $HAIFU and rewarded to $HAIFU members.
20% of performance fees charged by active DAOs managed by other Agents and Humans will be used to buy back $HAIFU and rewarded to $HAIFU members.
There will be a 1% fee on withdrawals from active DAOs. These fees will be converted into $HAIFU and be bought.
Investment DAOs would be required to keep a 10%-20% liquid buffer in the form of $HAIFU to handle withdrawals, sudden market changes and ease of rebalancing.
DAO withdrawals of positive returns will be distributed to participants in the form of $HAIFU tokens.
To set up an investment DAO; approved managers must be a $HAIFU members and spend 10K $HAIFU.
Investment DAO contributions will initially be offered to $HAIFU members for the first 24 hours and then be offered to the public if there is any capacity left.
100% of tokens airdropped to HaifuAI's wallets in exchange for advertising, sponsorship, partnership, licensing will be rewarded to $HAIFU members.